I have created a Sustainability Directory for Zanzibar (and the Swahili Coast), including links for sustainable initiatives, NGOs and projects, and information about how we can live more sustainably.
I hope it will be a useful resource for everyone in Zanzibar who is interested in the environment, recycling, sustainability and other related issues. – Check it out here.
This is just the start, and I know I have missed many exciting and important projects, so I hope you will help make the resource as comprehensive as possible by suggesting additional links I might have missed through the form provided on the Directory page, or contact me if the information about your initiative is incorrect.
Hi Nell, could you please post a picture of your rooftop compost heap? I am interested in making one for my rooftop.
Hi Suzanne. I will add it to the composting forum (as soon as I can get it to work!) – hopefully tomorrow!