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Welcome to Ecologue

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Karibuni wote!

I am Nell Hamilton – writer, coastal ecologist, naturalist, ecological gardener and environmental educator, based in Zanzibar since 2010.

I’m a passionate wildlife advocate – with a vision to showcase Zanzibar’s best wildlife experiences, and other aspects of the real Zanzibar beyond the beach.

I also enjoy stand-up paddleboarding, exploring wild places, snorkelling and scuba diving, wildlife photography and yoga (especially on a paddleboard).

Ecologue is a place for me to write about all things eco: thoughts and reflections that relate to my life and work.

Eco- means the environment and humanity’s relation to it
-logue means a kind of discourse, or one who is immersed in or driven by something

– all of which applies!

Have a look around!

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