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Environment and sustainability Zanzibar text book now online in English AND KISWAHILI – free to download

Environment and sustainability Zanzibar text book now online in English AND KISWAHILI – free to download published on No Comments on Environment and sustainability Zanzibar text book now online in English AND KISWAHILI – free to download

I’m delighted to let you know that the text book Environment and Sustainability in Zanzibar is now available on Ecologue – free to download, both in English and Kiswahili, and you can download it chapter by chapter.

The book was published by Chumbe Island Coral Park back in 2011, and thousands of copies were printed and distributed to Zanzibar schools and communities. But there are still many more who have not seen it who might like to, so I am sharing it on my website to make it easy to share and access.

Click on the links below to read and / or download each section (scroll down for Kiswahili links):

Environment & Sustainability in Zanzibar

Environmental Sustainability in Zanzibar - download free from
Now available online and to download free

A guide to the environment and sustainable living for Zanzibar schools and communities

Learn how we can all help safeguard the natural resources we depend on for a sustainable future for Zanzibar

Nell Hamilton, Jokha Omar, Narriman Jiddawi, Anita Walther, Sophia Masuka, Elizabeth Godfrey & David Tanner
Edited by Nell Hamilton. Published by Chumbe Island Coral Park in 2011. ISBN 978-9987-9567-1-6

Environment & Sustainability – Mazingira na unendelevu

Biodiversity – Bioanuwai

Mangroves – Mikoko

Seagrass – Nyasi bahari

Coral reefs – Miamba ya matumbawe

Fisheries – Uvuvi

Pollution – Uchafuzi wa mazingira

8 Climate change – Mabadaliko ya hali ya hewa


Now available to download free from
Now available online and to download free

Mazingira Endelevu kwa Zanzibar

Muongozo kuhusu mazingira na maisha endelevu kwa skuli na jamii ya Zanzibar

Jifunze jinsi sote tunavyoweza kusaidia kuzilinda rasilimali zetu ambazo tunazitengemea kwa maisha endelevu ya Zanzibar

Nell Hamilton, Jokha Omar, Narriman Jiddawi, Anita Walther, Sophia Masuka, Elizabeth Godfrey na David Tanner
Mhariri: Nell Hamilton. Published by Chumbe Island Coral Park in 2011. ISBN 978-9987-9467-2-3

Mazingira na unendelevu – Environment & sustainability

Bioanuwai – Biodiversity

Mikoko – Mangroves

Nyasi bahari – Seagrass

Miamba ya matumbawe – Coral reefs

6  Uvuvi – Fisheries

7 Uchafuzi wa mazingira – Pollution

8 Mabadaliko ya hali ya hewa – Climate change

FYI the copyright is as follows – contact Chumbe Island Coral Park here.
© 2011 Nell Hamilton / CHICOP.  This publication may be reproduced entirely or partly, in any form whatsoever, for educational and non-profit making uses, without prior authorisation, provided the source is mentioned.  CHICOP would nevertheless wish that a copy of the work where the reproduced extract is used is sent to them.  The present publication may neither be sold nor utilised for commercial purposes.  It is forbidden to use any information from this publication for advertisement purposes.

New sections on Ecologue! Check them out and let me know what you think!

New sections on Ecologue! Check them out and let me know what you think! published on No Comments on New sections on Ecologue! Check them out and let me know what you think!

I’ve been making some more changes around here, adding new sections, and am delighted to announce the new features!

Translate Ecologue

  • English not your first language? No problem – you can now translate this site! Look up and to the left and you’ll see a row of flags. Click on the one that relates to the language you prefer and the site will be translated. You can even correct any errors in the translation.
  • Please let me know how this works for you! I can change the languages available and add new ones. So let me know which you use (to make sure I keep it there), or if your language isn’t there yet, let me know in the comments and I will add it for you!


  • While we’re speaking about languages, under the Resources tab above you can now find a page of Swahili Sayings relating to the environment that you might enjoy.  Let us know in the comments if you know any more (or if you have any corrections to the translations).
  • Also under the Resources tab are some Links. I plan to expand this page with more sections and more links as time goes by, to be as useful to you as possible. So if you have any links you think should be there, or new sections to request, let me know in the comments!
  • The third page under the Resources section is Downloads – which will become a repository for all sorts of interesting materials related to the subjects I blog about – and so far includes a link to the text book I wrote with colleagues at Chumbe back in 2011. Contact me if you want the Kiswahili version!

Ecologue Shop!

  • The third exciting new feature is a shop! Help keep me blogging (and working to support Sustainable East Africa‘s projects) by visiting the new shop pages.
  • There are different ‘departments’ based on where you are shopping from. Ecologue Shop UK is here ~ and Ecologue shop DE here.Others are coming soon – see the Ecologue Shop home page for links (that you can use to shop from for now)!
  • Again – this is supposed to be useful for you, so let me know what you think and what products you’d like to see. If you already have any of the products I’ve listed, I’d love to start including some product reviews from you! So have a look around, start shopping, or follow the links to Amazon websites if you can’t find what you want here (yet).

So enjoy looking around the new features and let me know what you think!


New resources tab now added to Ecologue

New resources tab now added to Ecologue published on No Comments on New resources tab now added to Ecologue

I’ve started to add some resources to Ecologue.

under the Resources tab above you will find:

  • Links, including more information about my work at Sustainable East Africa, a blogroll, and other Zanzbar-related sites.
  • Downloads – which has a link to download (free) the book about the environment and sustainability in Zanzibar that I wrote while I worked at Chumbe.

I will be adding more to this section – so if you have any suggestions, I would love to hear about them in the comments!

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